Fiona (who plays the dulcimer) has had her 2nd and final litter of 6. She had 4 girls and 2 boys on July 29th. We're guessing she has blues and seals (maybe a chocholate or two). Fiona is super-mom, a kinder heart cannot be found.
Lili had her first litter - 3 boys - on August 2 (the same day my first grandson was born in Peru.) Lili is proving to be a very good mom. The boys are all Lili-white, at least two may be lilacs like their grandfather. And I wouldn't be surprised if there's a Balinese among them, like their dad. Though no proof of that yet.
And Bear! Bear is still pacing the floors - a lady in waiting. She is very very ready. But knowing her she will have her litter in her own time and probably among the dogs - for I believe she still thinks of herself as one of them. Bear is special, always has been. She talks up a storm and has a Long Island accent.
I will try to keep this "blog" updated, with new photos at least a few times a week. The kittens will be ready to go by the end of September, to qualified buyers. If you are interested please give us a call and we can schedule a visit or speak by phone.
Warm regards to all, Ellen and Joe Proskauer