Front Page

Monday, March 27, 2006

We were happy to say we had 2 litters at the end of February, many colors, Balinese and Siamese. But before I had time to post these pictures all of the kittens were spoken for. We hope to have two more litters this coming summer, so if you're looking you might want to reserve in advance. Best to all our extended families - we're still waiting for pictures. E

A small pile of 4 week old kittens

Bear's Bally Blue Boy - the one and only Posted by Picasa

Straddling to nurse.


Thursday, March 02, 2006

It's been quite a while. Much news. A few new arrivals and many tales and photos to come.

First taste of babies born February 25, 06
Please see Available Kittens link to the right for more information.